Vrj... Ez gy nem j :) Az elz zi trlve, helyette ez:
Hy Tayz! :D
Ur music is sooooooo lovable, and great! I love your voice...And...omg!!!Your hair... I WANT YOUR HAIR!!! Why? Why do I have boring straight, brown hair? :'( I want to look like a superstar for exsample...You :D Oh! I forget the most important thing: happy b'day :D And pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee come and give us a great concert in Hungary :D
Grt from Hungary |
Hy Tayz! :D
Ur music is sooooooo lovable, and great! I love your voice...And...omg!!!Your hair... I WANT YOUR HAIR!!! Why? Whi do i have boring straight, brown hair? :'( I want to look like a superstar for exsample...You :D And never forgotten: happy b'day :D
Grt |
Well I wish you very very very happy birthday, and I hope you will come to Hungary and give us a concert soon, because I really like your music!
Bye: Lucy
Hi, Taylor!:D
I really really really like your music.:) I think you are a very... talented singer.:)
If you can, please, come to Hungary and give us an awsome concert.:D
Happy Birthday, Happy Christmas, and Happy New Year <3
Your fan:
Brigitte from Hungary
(kszi a lehetsget^^) |
Hi Tay :)
I send you many many kiss and huge from Hungary, you are the best ever ;) Would you come to Hungary, and give us a great concert? Please =) Anyway we'll wait for you, and good luck in the future ,the 13 figure is accompanied by on your way. =)
Oh almost I forgot the most importent thing...Happy 20th birthday ^^
Detti xoxo
(n is kszi a lehetsget ^^) |
Hi Taylor! I don't know what should I write exactly, but I think you're the best whole the world, and one of the best thing to jump and to sing with you during the You belong with me :)
I love your every songs, and I would listen to them all day long.
I wish Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas for you and I think once upon a time I can see you in live.
Love forever
Blanka from Hungary :)
(Blair kszi a lehetsget, hogy rhatok :)) |